Oyster Sauce 770ml

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Eu. 4.50 Eu.0

Oyster sauce is a seasoning sauce that has ingredients made from real, natural oysters. Go through the production process until you get oyster extract without any other additives. The origin of this deliciousness came from a coincidence in the kitchen from China. In the mid-1870s, a tea shop owner accidentally left a stew of oyster soup on his back. Until the fragrance floated out They found that the soup that was supposed to be clear was now a thick, brown soup. When you tasted it, you found that it tasted more delicious than usual. The reason for this is because the concentration of oysters creates a unique salty and sweet taste. and has become a go-to cooking sauce in Chinese kitchens ever since. Until it has become widespread in kitchens all over the world, including Thailand itself.

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